Spanish Influence in Jardi Tancat

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Nacho Duato’s influence of Spanish Culture is evident in the work Jardi Tancat. Explain using examples from the work. Nacho Duato’s work Jardi Tancat conveys a strong influence of Spanish Culture throughout. Duato’s history, Spanish heritage and choreographic style and training are a direct product of his evident culture. The aural accompaniment and movement also establish a strong link with Spanish culture. Nacho Duato conveys a connection with his Spanish Heritage and conveys his view on Spanish peasant life. This evidently has had a large impact on movement style and overall interpretation. Without this personal understanding of Spanish culture Duato would not have expressed the elements as clearly. The established motif’s including work actions convey an appreciation of the land and the integration of peasant farmer life and labour with the environment. This hunched/slumped shape portrays a pull of gravity towards the land. Their lives are centred on the land in the opening section, hand placed behind the back outlining the physical burden faced by these peasant farmers. The choreography presents images of the peasant farming traditions, a life Duato would have been accustomed to, by showing movement action reflective of men and women working in the fields. Choreographic style has played an important role in acknowledging the close link the peasants have between the earth and heavens through strong focus and reach, either up high or down low towards the ground. This notion of having an affinity with the land would have been an integral part of Duato’s life. Section one expresses the integration of the peasants with their environment, their dependency on and close relationships with the earth and its elements. Shapes and motif’s emphasise the work of rural life including a sewing motif- a sweeping arm opening action with a strong focus towards the

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