Space Exploration Essay

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l Is space exploration too costly? By: Jessica Sirbu INTRODUCTION: There are many people that are quick to say that space exploration is not worth the cost. That with that money, we could be doing much greater things on earth rather than spending all that money to explore the large unknown. I’ll give those people that yes, the money that is used in space exploration could be used to let’s say, end world hunger. The sad truth however, is that around the world, people spend more money on much more useless things such as cosmetic surgery ($14 billion USA annually), firecrackers ($800 million India annually), and razors ($750 million USA annually). What many people don’t understand is that with space exploration comes this new found knowledge that can deeply help people on earth in return, in all honesty the knowledge of the universe and Earth outweigh the risks and cost given by space exploration. AN EYE ON MOTHER NATURE: © National Aeronautics & Space Administration © National Aeronautics & Space Administration Mother Nature as many of us know living in Canada, is very unpredictable. One second it can be beautiful and sunny and then the next thing it can be snowing up a storm. However this unpredictability is much more lessened now that space technology is involved. For years on end, satellites have been keeping a vigilant eye on the weather and have aided the media and government executives communicate when it’s time to evacuate for an oncoming hurricane, gather our crops or even the simpler things, like when to go to the beach for a perfect day of beauty. Cooling System by Cool Systems Inc. Cooling System by Cool Systems Inc. MEDICAL ADVANCMENTS: The ISS (International space station) is the ideal place to research all manner of scientific, technical, and medical questions. As a fact, a couple medical research labs have been
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