Sophist & Socrates

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The Sophists and Socrates Comparison & Contrast Essay In a perfect world we would all see each other in the same manner and differences would not matter. However, our world is far from the day when our skills and experiences speak for who you are without objection and critique. This statement holds truth now and during the sixth century. Sophists and Socrates faced some criticism as they entered a new era of questioning and reasoning known today as the Humanism period. Socrates and the Sophists entered on the scene to answer questions that previous philosophers never entertained. They chose to focus on the problems of knowledge as well as challenges of ethics, justice and morality. This essay briefly covers background information on Socrates and three prominent Sophists while comparing and contrasting their views of virtue, knowledge and technique. During the sixth century a philosopher named Socrates and sophists known as intellectuals by the name of Protagoras, Gorgia and Thrasymachus realized the significance of nature was dwindling. Socrates and Sophists understood that mankind’s way of thinking had to change. These philosophers understood that one’s mindset should be focused on the end result and goal of achievement. These men had no regard for empirical questions that focused on scientific observations. The quest of human happiness sparked the interest of these great minds. Unlike Socrates who was from Athens the other Sophists were from other parts of the world. While Protagoras, Gorgia and Thrasymachus have written documentation of their lives and teachings, very little is known about Socrates. Most of what is known of Socrates was written primarily by Plato, one of his students. Although Socrates and Sophists were respected teachers of their time, their teaching styles and expectations for their students differ significantly. While
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