Sonata Form Essay

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Sonata Form There is no perfect definition of sonata form. Sonata form came about to represent a piece of music that has no words to go with it. Also, the popular form of choosing two themes, repeating them, developing from them, and recapitulating those themes is whats given sonata form its name. Over the past 200+ years, sonata form has grown into this commonly used structure of music. Sonata form mainly focuses on the harmonic and thematic expression of music that sets the mood in the exposition. The development is contrasted and elaborated, and usually resolved with a safe sound of harmony in the end, recapitulating the main ideas. Among all of the examples we have heard in class like Mozart’s Symphony 25, or the Moonlight Sonata, I believe that Ludwig Van Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 represents sonata form with the most accuracy. The exposition of Symphony No. 5 is a lively one, with those first notes played by the orchestra, to open up the listeners ears. The first few measures ensure the listener that the theme is what it is, and that throughout the song, slight, but also vast variances are heard. The first theme ranges from the beginning up to 55 seconds and then moves on into theme 2. Theme two starts at about 55 seconds and takes us off with a happy, major, melodic feeling that ends around 1:30. In traditional sonata form, the first two themes are usually repeated. As you can tell, that is exactly what Beethoven did. Soon after the repeat of the first two themes, we move into the development at around the 3:00 mark. In the beginning of the development, it gives you a hint of the first theme, and moves into a more minor sound at around 3:18, taking us off into a random dark sounding harmonic tangent. Soon after, at 4:39, an oboe comes in to save the orchestra with a solo. The oboe plays until the end of the development at 4:53. The recapitulation of

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