Some Important Preferences and Consequences of Genetic Mapping

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Some Important Preferences and Consequences of Genetic Mapping Genetic mapping is a process of identifying and locating the position of chromosomes to form a genetic map. It is a sequence of genetic loci for a particular genome. In order to develop a genetic map, a gene is isolated by a restriction enzyme through laboratory techniques from a given blood sample to examine it for unique patterns of bases. Genetic maps are used successfully in finding a single gene responsible for inherited disorders and traits. It is also helpful in improving the knowledge of gene expression and to discover possible means of diagnosis and treatment of genetic diseases. The information in the maps has greatly speeded searches for single genes that cause disease. Some people are against genetic mapping due to privacy concerns and harmful effects although I am in favor of it because of its importance. Genetic mapping involves some of the important preferences and consequences in health, forensic application, and social concern. Genetic or linkage mapping helps in the identification of inherited diseases. It diagnoses an embryo from deformities and disabilities which includes heart defect, and muscular dystrophy. It is also helpful for therapeutic reasons and other vision and hearing problems. For example, a member of a family who already has a genetic disease may want to ensure that his child avoids that suffering. According to Rebecca Tuhus-Dubrow, Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) targets severe childhood diseases, such as Tay-Sachs, sickle cell anemia, and colon cancer. Hence it reduces the chances of lifelong health issues. Linkage mapping provides an important application in forensic science. The laboratory techniques to prevent inherited diseases show an important impact in forensic applications. The forensic application of genetic mapping helps in the

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