Solutions Tp Nursing Shortages

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Solutions for Nursing Personnel Shortages

Executive Summary
Senior Human Resource Management should adopt some changes in order to combat the current growing nursing/healthcare personnel shortage. Employees simply want to be heard and sympathized with. Nowadays the nursing shortage has caused many problems in the healthcare industry. First and foremost, the quality of care being provided to patients is declining due to the fact that there are not as many nurses to care for the patient appropriately. As a matter of fact, the workload being dumped on the employees is steadily increasing. Positions below the certification of Registered Nurses are slowly disappearing and those same responsibilities are now given to the registered nurses, In addition to the heavy amount of responsibility that registered nurses already have. We must remember that nurses are humans too and the amount of stress being placed on them increases fatigue, the chances of potential injury and job discontent.
Burnout syndrome can be described as long term work stress resulting from the interaction between constant emotional pressure associated with immense interpersonal communication, and involvement along with personal characteristics. The Human Resource Management team has the ability to make the necessary changes to combat the nursing shortage. Rearranging workloads amongst staff members alone would help immensely. The majority of nurses experience burnout from a combination of factors such as age, emotional tiredness, depersonalization in the work area, and a feeling of underachievement being that so many tasks are placed on any one individual. We must remember that illness will always be around. Without the help of Human Resources, the problem of maintaining a healthy patient to nurse ratio will continue to grow.

The Human Resource team should look for opportunities to:
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