Sociology-the Family Goes Under Drastic Changes. Discuss

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Sociology essay. Family life is undergoing drastic changes as a result of industrialization and modernization. Elaborate sociologically. A major team in sociology of the family has been studying the relationship between the structure of the family and the process of industrialization. These studies refer to the change of the family form from an extended family to an `isolated nuclear family`, the movement from a rural area to an urban area and from agriculture system to the mass production of goods in a factory system. In view of all this however what can be said is that industrialization changed the family by converting it from a unit of production into a unit of consumption. First work to be referring to is that of Talcott Parsons in his study “the isolated nuclear family”, in which he claims that the isolated nuclear families are needed for industrial societies because they provide a more geographically mobile work force then the extended family. The second work to be referring to is that of Michael Young and Peter Wilmott in the “the symmetrical family” book, in which they suggest that the family has gone through four main stages to develop into a symmetrical family in which industrialization separated home and work and created male bread winner role. final work to be referring to is that of Michael Anderson in which he studied `the town of Preston in 1851s census data`, and argues that the extended family was mostly found between poor families. According to Talcott Parsons industrial societies need nuclear families because they provide a more geographically mobile work force. According to him the `isolated nuclear family`, is the typical family form in present modern industrial societies, besides it is isolated in the sense that the relationships between the nuclear family and the wider kin are a matter of choice rather than obligation. The key reasons
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