Sociological Definition of a Family

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Task One Q. Provide a sociological definition of the family and write a paragraph about whether you agree or disagree with your chosen definition. There are two different types of a family which are a nuclear or extended family, each person over time and place will define family differently. For example how you see a family when you were ten years old will be different to how you see a family when you older. Nuclear families include a mother, father and any children living in the household. Living as a nuclear family is believed to be the best arrangement to raise a family. Living with both parents is a more stable environment and provides a good role model by loving, caring and supportive relationship for their children. Having this in a nuclear family will translate into future success by teaching the children how to find positive relationships and interact well with others. Children also learn how to solve problems and assign household responsibilities and help each other through positive and negative issues. Children who have consistency and stability in there lives are more likely to behave positively and do well in school. Nuclear families are financially stable and are able to provide the children with greater opportunities and luxuries. Extended families are families who have three or more generations living together in the same house and are not of direct blood line consisting of grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Extended families workloads are shared amongst members and the woman roles are often restricted to housewives and this involves cooking, cleaning and organising the entire household. The oldest family member lays down the rules and regulations while the other members of the household babysits or teaches younger children. Extended families are not financially stable as the household expenses increase such as the food, gas and

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