Social Security Argumentative Essay

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Social security is extremely important for the well being of elders, injured workers, and the handicapped. If this program were able to be privatized in the stock market, the economy would be another variable to add to the many social security has. By investing social security in the stock market, the downfall of the market could lower peoples living conditions considerably, and erase what has have been paid for possibly decades. One argument used is that social security does not do enough for people to live on. About one in five people use social security as the only source of income, and more than half use social security for more then half of the annual income (Anspach). If even a portion of this money were gone because of lowered stock value market, people could not be able to make ends meet.…show more content…
Bush believed that the system would be out of money for the next generation. "The system is headed toward bankruptcy". Bush said in the state of the union address in February of 2005. Social security has been predicted by some to run out of funds by 2045. To predict an event so far into the future using statistics is nearly impossible ("George W. Bush on Social Security"). Mark Twain agreed, saying this: "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics." (Twain). If social security was privatized at the beginning of the Bush administration, the collapse of the stock market would have had much more devastating effects. People’s savings would not be the only asset gone, but also retirement, and insurance would be gone also. If this is the worst recession since the great depression, then what would the outcome be like if social security was privatized (Butrica, Smith, and Toder). One of the great things about social security is that the policy will not fluctuate with the market. Why would Americans not want social security to have that
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