Social Network Battle: Facebook vs. Twitter

452 Words2 Pages
Twitter and Facebook are two of the most popular social networking sites that people across the world use today, with Twitter estimated to have 200 million users posting 65 million twesets per day, and Facebook estimated to have 600 million tweets per day. Both of Facebook and Twitter has so many features that they offer to their user with several lack and excess. This essay will compare three features, privacy, shared photos, and usability. First of all is about privacy of that two social network. Lately, Facebook has changed their privacy policy. They make Facebook page more secure than before, you still can share contents visibility to everyone but it has a limit. Once you able to restrain of all the change, Facebook’s setting page is really simple, just check list of what information you want people to see, and what you do not want them to see. Differ from Twitter, Twitter is very much an open network. But still, Twitter does let you control everything you want to. You can protect your tweets for them to be visible to limited person, your friends for example. But by doing that, you would not be able to interact with as many people you want. The second is about photos on Facebook and Twitter. I think the biggest feature of Facebook is the photos. It has influence million of people to constantly take, tag, and browse through hundreds of photos to everyone you want. But this is obviously something that Twitter had been leaking. Because when you want to sharing photos with your follower, these photos did have to be stored within another service such as Twitpic or yfrog. So this is the biggest lacking of Twitter, you can post photos directly in Facebook and put together in galleries, whereas with Twitter you can only link to one photo at a time. The last is about usability. Which one is more usable for you? As we know that Facebook has change their policy in many

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