Social, Emotional and Behavior Development in Children

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Birth to three years old. Every child develops social, emotional and behavioral milestones appropriately at their own pace for each individual child. It's important to remember a parents expectations of a child's development should be consistent in respect to a child's level of understanding. Children at one, would be unlikely to understand discipline, whereas a child of three would have a better understanding of what would be acceptable behavior. The same is said for the development of emotional and social expectations for a child. Unlike physical development milestones, social, emotional and behavior development has much harder to observe. New skill such as self-awareness can be tough to spot, and others can be difficult or even impossible to see directly, this is mainly due to the child entering a school environment then these social and emotional skills become more important. The first three months from birth, babies are learning about themselves and every person around them. They start looking at their own hands and feet, sucking on their fingers, this also helps them to understand how the legs and arms are attached to the babies body. Most babies begin to enjoy social stimulation, with smiling and responding to touching people and interacting to their own touch. From three to six months old, social interaction become important in the babies development, most babies begin to smile, laugh and respond when their name is called out. The child behavioral milestones begin to come out, with babies not understanding their intentional behavior for example, when a baby finds a marker pen and would begin to draw over a freshly painted wall or wooden floor, your baby doesn't understand that this is unacceptable behavior and would continue to draw and explore. Also babies have no concept of sharing with others, grabbing or snatching toys from other babies
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