Social Construction of Reality

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Reading Guide to :Berger P and Luckmann T (1966) -- The Social Construction of Reality: a treatise on the sociology of knowledge, London: Penguin University Books Berger’s and Luckmann’s (B&L) Social Construction of Reality is an important book dealing with several themes - an attempt to found a new ‘sociology of knowledge’, an introduction to Schutz and social phenomenology, and a theoretical background for many of’the later works by both authors ( like Pullberg or the Kellners) in the fields of sociology of religion and industrialisation. The major theme concerns the ‘split’ between ‘structure’ and ‘action’ in Sociology, and B’s&L’s attempt to reconcile the 2 approaches. This theme is an important one in the book — in .the introduction, for example, the authors select 2 famous quotations which express the basic starting points for ‘structuralist’ and ‘action’ Sociology: ‘The first and most fundamental rule is: consider social facts as things’ (Durkheim), and ‘... for Sociology … the object of cognition is the subjective meaning complex of action’ (Weber) B&L say that these 2 positions are not contradictory or mutually exclusive, and, further, that both are correct, and that all Sociologists know it. For them, the problem really is — how do subjective meanings become objective ‘things’? How do human actors so construct the world that their products come to appear as things? Why does the social world seem real to people? Throughout the book and in the Conclusion we find arguments that emphasise this dual nature of social life, the way in which social structures and individual consciousnesses are not separate but interlinked. We also find an attack on both functionalism and ‘later Marxism’ for giving a one-sided, distorted picture of this interlinking — functionalism reifies the social system, ‘later Marxists’ have reverted to a crude economic
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