Social Butterfly Research Paper

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Some associate being a student as the manageable part of life. Many adults assume it’s so effortless to get through school, but truly it is not. Once becoming a high school student my days became a lot less basic, and turned into an abundance of complication. Though high school has shaped me into the individual I am today, it was not an easy journey. High school brought about many experiences, good and bad, and I have faced my share of both. Looking back, some of the good times would have to be the individuals I met along the way. A few of which I am very close with today. Being the social butterfly I am, making friends came naturally. I found myself to be very successful in that area until my junior year; when I realized some of those friends could not be trusted. As high school progressed and the drama plied up, I had to remain focused. This may have been one of the biggest challenges for me. Additionally time became an issue when I began playing sports. Attempting to complete the heavy workload assigned by my teachers all the while trying to uphold my social life, it was evident as my lack of attention began to show in grades. By my junior year I had to buckle down and become the responsible young adult I needed to be to prepare me for the next chapter in my life. I had to figure out a better way to manage…show more content…
Attending a county college was not my first option. I wanted to pursue an education at a four year university, however life doesn’t always go as planned. Finances and family held me back. As I began to look into county colleges, Middlesex piqued my interest. Among many reasons, it is rated one of the top county colleges in the state. Finances, family, and my desire to learn also contributed to my choice to attend this school. Middlesex would become a stepping-stone to prepare me for a rewarding career in sports
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