Smirti Epics Essay

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Smirti Epics For the Hindu, personal love for a deity is expressed through the use of Smirti epics. These long narratives and poems express a spiritual knowledge and devotion through national myths and legends. There are many epics, but three great known Smirti epics include the Ramayana, Mahabharata, and the Bhagavad-Gita. In the Ramayana, it is written in the Sanskrit language. Its origins stem from old ballads, and are much beloved in India every year. It tells of the duties of relationships’, portraying ideal perfections of people. For example, it explains what the ideal brother, wife, or king would be like. Another key epic is the Mahabharata. This Sanskrit poem composes of 100,000 verses. It focuses around the struggle between the sons of a royal family for control of a kingdom near current Delhi. It teaches the importance of sons, and the qualities of the gods. In the eighteenth book of the Mahabharata is the Bhagavad-Gita. This “song of the supreme exalted one” explains the theory that the deity can be known only to those who engulf in his love. Krishna appears as one who is preparing to fight on the virtuous side of a battle that will pit brothers against brothers. Although each of these epics signifies a lesson of importance, they all combine to lay out the mortality of the religion as a whole. These stories can be compared to the stories Christians have in the bible and the narratives in the Jewish

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