Slumdog Millionaire Essay

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Ashleigh Hensley Ms. Fonteneau Humanities 1101 Tues-Thurs November 6, 2012 Slumdog Millionaire Paper Slumdog Millionaire was directed by Danny Boyle and produced by Paul Smith. Slumdog Millionaire was released in 2008 in the United States. The movie was adapted from the novel Q&A by Vikas Swarup. The setting of the movie is Mumbai, India. The main characters in the movie are three slumdog children, there were two brothers named Jamal Malik and Salim Malik, and there was a girl that the brothers basically adopted to live and survive with them name Latika. There are ten main subjects that we see in the movie, authority, family, caste, class, education, work, corruption, violence, human trafficking, and religion. The movie demonstrates Indian culture and society. The movie also shows how one of the brothers got all the answers right on a game show because of all of his experiences as a slumdog. Slumdogs in the Indian society are the lowest of low people in the caste system. They are a very poor group of people who live in the worst living conditions that we Americans can’t even fathom. Even though the main character in the movie Slumdog Millionaire won all of that money was still defined as a slumdog. The reason why he’s still defined as a slumdog after winning the money is because he was born in the slums therefore he will never leave the slums. In other words once a slumdog always a slumdog. People cannot rise in the caste system once you are born in a certain caste; you are that caste until you die. The movie gives an accurate description and picture of the living conditions and how the slumdogs survive even if in order to survive they must engage in illegal activities. It also shows how people are treated because of their class. So it really gave a realistic view how society is in India. The caste system is revealed in the movie especially when

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