Single Gender Schools

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Are Co-ed Schools bad for students’ self-esteem? Studies such as in “The Effects Of Single Gender Schools On Boys’ Self-Esteem And Academic Confidence” by Nichols G. Morgan “ Boys in Mixed gender schools experiencing constant failure will continue a downward spiral of self-esteem and academic performance.” In a study conducted by James A. McGruder, “Comparison of Academic Performance and Self-Esteem Levels in Female Adolescents Attending Single Gender and Coeducational Public Schools,” “…[A]dolescent girls attending coeducational schools are at a disadvantage in terms of developing positive self-esteem and academic achievement. Researches proposed that coeducational schools have difficulty providing a ‘comfortable’ learning environment for adolescent girls. Some researches also observed that adolescent girls attending coeducational schools often do not receive a through and comprehensive education.” Single gender schools would be a better environment for both girls and boys. They would benefit from being in a learning state where they don’t have to be inferior to the opposite sex in a specific subject because that is the stereotype. Also in “The Effects Of Single Gender Versus Coeducational Environments on the Self-Esteem Development and Academic Competence of High School Females” by Carol Langlois “ Peers can be a major influence on a child’s self-esteem especially during the critical period of adolescence called high school. “ Adolescent children always look at the people around them to know what to do in certain situations. If they are always around people that make the wrong choices or just the choices that they shouldn’t be making, how are they going to know what else to do? Maybe if adolescent children were in single sex gender schools or classes they would make better decisions or feel more comfortable in their learning environment or even in their lives.
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