Similes In A Streetcar Named Desire

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Every play needs a temptress, bully, saint and a fool; furthermore that’s where Blanche, Stanley, Mitch and Stella come in. Watching “A Streetcar Named Desire” and reading the book one can get a great characterization of the characters built up in their mind, and so that is what will be pored forth in the next set of paragraphs. Blanche, ah the wonderful girl who could very well be the definition of ‘simile’, caught this audience’s heart ablaze with curiosity. Showing up unexpected with little explanation of why she was there. Being over the top with how she looked and worrying about a secret of her past made her look a bit loony. “I hope that his eyes are going to be like candles, like two blue candles” is an example of one simile she…show more content…
Growing up way different from Stella it’s a wonder how they even met. He grew up as a ‘commoner’, which kind-of explains why he speaks so plainly. “What do you two think you are? A pair of queens?” is one time he was speaking plainly to Blanche and Stella. Stanley has an internal conflict where he thinks Blanche is turning Stella against him, making her think him a brute. He doesn’t like Blanche because though she is depending on the hospitality of Stella and himself she thinks she is better then what they offer. So with that knowledge he feels he has to uncover her secret of ‘lies and conceit and tricks’. Stanley uncovers all her falsehood showing that she is no better then he and also that he is top…show more content…
Stella is the wife of Stanley and also the main character in my opinion. She’s a huge dope, who’s fallen in love with the wrong guy. Even after Stanley hits her she still comes back to him “There is the sound of a blow [and] Stella cries out”. She’s blinded by how things used to be between them when they first started dating. Stella is willing to look past everything Stanley does because she loves him and that makes her the fool of the play. After finding out Stanley raped her sister she still chooses Stanley though she asks herself “what have I done to my sister?” Stella is so stuck on her life as it is that she’s not willing to accept that Stanley is not the man she once deceived herself he was and that internal conflict is what makes her a huge
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