Similarities Between To Kill A Mockingbird Contagious And Deadly Prejudice

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Contagious and Deadly Prejudice Harper Lee’s work, To Kill a Mockingbird, displays the dilemmas and hardships of the 1930’s. There are a small amount of people who truly make decisions considering the way they actually feel. Tom Robinson is sentenced to a trial he is not guilty for, and Atticus takes his case. Tom Robinson is a black man in a prejudice and racial time period. Prejudice can be compared to a disease because it’s contagious, hereditary, and harmful. Prejudice is contagious and spreads throughout millions of people, just as a disease. A group of people including Mr. Cunningham visit Atticus in search of Tom Robinson but is startled by the innocence of Scout. While realizing his wrong doing, Mr. Cunningham demands “Let’s get

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