Similarities Between The Great Depression And The New Deal

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The Great Depression and the New Deal. Causes: 1. Stock Market Crash of 1929 (Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929)2. Bank Failures uninsured banks and thus as banks failed people simply lost their savings. Calvin Coolidge – Government and Business (p.205); was president during the roaring 20s. “the business of America is business” meaning the govt should have little interference, lowered taxes to promote business growth.Women on the Breadlines (p. 212);-LeSueur wrote of the struggles that women faced during the Depression and how they were confined to certain roles. The New Deal(1933-1934) : Alaphabet soup- Public Works admin (built public facilities) , Civilian Conserv. Corps(put men to work on public projects, National Recovery Administration (unconstitutional ), Agricultural Adjustment Act- govt rose farm prices. (Unconstitutional)Franklin D. Roosevelt –…show more content…
The Works Progress Administration (WPA) was created in 1935 to hire Americans to build on public works.Wagner Act- to supervise elections in which employees voted on union representation.Social Security Ac 1935 Created a system of unemployment, insurance, pension, diablitity.Limits of new deal- Gender and racial-Relief PWA, NRA, Reform Glass Stegall The US & World War II. World Crisis 1939-1945: Rise of Adolf Hitler, US isolated itself, 9/1/1939 Germany and Soviet Russia attacked Poland, France and Great Bri declared war on Germany;Lend Lease Act- allowed Brit Soviet Union , Russia, china to borrow military aid.;Dec 1941- Japan bombed peral harbor;Dec 7 1941 dec of war against japan;US turned war around at battle of midway.;Supreme Court denied the appeal of Fred Korematsu ;African Americans civil rights movement, job racism;July Randolph called for march on Washington;Executive order 8802 (lynching, jim crow); women make up most of the
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