Similarities and Differences Between Virtue Theory, Utilitarianism, and Deontological Ethics

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Similarities and differences between virtue theory, utilitarianism, and deontological ethics ETH316 Saloman Chavira, MBA . What I have come to realize by reading these chapters are that virtue ethics, utilitarianism, and deontology theories try to establish a moral standard that a virtuous person can live and act upon and by. With these types of approaches to ethics, you have similarities and differences that always will be judged and taken apart piece by piece and evaluated. Just one of the similarities between these theories are that they set a standard by which a good and moral human being can live by within a community or even as a loner or someone that lives outside of a community with family. It is said that virtue ethics measures a person by his or her character and moral standing within a community in determination of his or her good. With utilitarianism, a person is a good and moral person when his actions benefit the needs of the community over personal needs. Another words, you serve everyone else around you before you even think of helping yourself. Being unselfish is being utilitarianism. The same thing can be said about deontology, a person is good and moral when his choice of action within a community is inherently moral and good or they do the right thing. This makes the similarities between these three theories is goodness and morality as perceived by others within communities such as a work environment, a group of friends, and family. However; the vast differences between these three theories are how a community identifies a person as good, moral, and ethical. Virtue ethics looks directly into the character of a person to see if he or she is good and moral and this judgment or evaluation of his character is in the long term. Deontology as well as utilitarianism look at actions instead of character. They only see good and moral if it serves
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