Sibling Communication Essay

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Introduction It is clear that we cannot escape the need to communicate, and so we owe it to ourselves and to others to manage our communication competently Kaye (2010, p.84). Growing up in the same household siblings can play a unique role in one another’s lives; specifically in relation to an older sibling playing an important role on the younger sibling. An older sibling can help stimulate the importance of companionship, the importance of parents as well as the importance of friends. Throughout this essay I will write about maintaining effective sibling communication and why it is important for older siblings to uphold positive and influencing relationships with younger siblings. I will also write about how misinterpretation of actions and communication can lead to unwanted effects in a family’s dynamics. Relationships with siblings often begin at some point during the mother’s pregnancy when the older sibling is made aware that he/she is soon going to have a little brother or sister in the household, and it would be their job to help protect the new baby. John Bowlby’s attachment theory can be used when describing a sibling’s relationship. If an infant finds an older sibling to be responsive and sees him or her as a source of comfort, a supportive bond may form (Holmes, 1993, p. 119). Sibling attachment can be further accentuated when the absence of a primary caregiver allows a younger sibling to form a closer bond, as the younger sibling will look to the older for security and support (Dunn, & Kendrick, 1982, p.10) Body As long ago as 1978 B. Aubrey Fisher states that there was an absence of any one dominant theoretical approach to the study of human communication (Barber & Mlcek, 2013, p.2). If we look at Fisher’s Mechanistic approach on communication he states that the mechanistic viewpoint is simply the transmission of information from the first party to
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