Should Marijuana Be Legalized, Decriminalized Or Remain Illegal?

501 Words3 Pages
Do you think marijuana should be legalized, decriminalized or remain illegal? Explain using arguments to justify your response Lamiah Wardak Nov/19/2013 Blk: 03 End Prohibition: The War on Drugs is an utter failure. Marijuana has been in use for thousands of years and has not been contributed to a single death. Legalizing marijuana would save the Canada billions of dollars. Marijuana is not a gateway drug, it's not physically addicting, and it doesn't kill brain cells... The propaganda surrounding marijuana is deceitful. It's time to wake up and realize this natural, God-given plant will only benefit society instead of being detrimental as many may think. It would cut down on prison space by legalizing marijuana. If you look at alcohol prohibition in the 1920s, look how many less gangs and crime there was after alcohol was legalized again. Prohibition does not help the country in any way, and causes a lot of problems and there is no good evidence that prohibition decreases drug use but there are several theories that suggest prohibition…show more content…
It will also allow for money spent on enforcement to be spent more wisely thus increasing revenue. The demand for it is so high that there will always be a supply for it because of the profits that can be made. But why should the supply be an underground black market led by criminals? If America were to have a legitimate supply that would meet the demand of use. It is the demand of the drug that allows criminals to keep selling it. As long as there is a demand for marijuana there will be someone supplying it, but ask yourself who is more responsible and Individuals deserve the right to decide whether or not they should use marijuana. The government should not tell individuals what to do as long as they do not harm

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