Should Exam Be Removed

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Exam is a formal written, spoken or practical test, especially at school or college, to see how much you know about a subject, or what you can do. People who usually take exam are people who are student’s age between 7 and 20 studying. In recent years, exams have become very stressful for students and their parents. They have often proved to be poor predictors of future success in life. The ministry of education should replace exams with other forms of assessment. I strongly do not agree with the statement. Firstly, exams will allow a person to know his performance. Exams encourage the performance of student. For instance if a person score low grade, it encourage him to work hard in order to score high grade. And also it encourages people to work and learn, creates competition, and develops ones personality and confidence. I have a friend who has always been scoring low points for his exams. Despite that, he still work very hard to actually prove to the people who look down on him that he can do it and succeed by scoring ace for his exams. Thus I strongly believe that exam is important and should not be replaced because this will encourage the student to do better and study more hard in their academics, boosting their morale. Secondly, exam is a way to know how well you understood the topics learnt. Learning is 2-way traffic. Whatever you learn in class, you need to apply. And examination is one way to determine how well learning has taken place - is through your answers. Additionally, you can see just how much progress a students has made. Means you can judge the progress of many students at once. For example, teachers can see if any subject should be re-taught or explained differently. Thus in my opinion, exams should not be removed as this will cause the students or even the teachers and parents to not know whether what topics the child understand and
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