Should Civil Strife Be Punishable by Aggressive Means?

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Should civil strife be punishable by aggressive means? Should it? Shouldn't it? I’d like to begin by quoting the General Secretary of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki Moon. “Peace should be given a chance, and so should diplomacy” Today, many parts of the world, as well as our own country face sensitivity, unrest, disorder, and downright unjustice. What are we doing about it? I write this, not just to convince you, but make you feel sure, as citizens, that civil unrest does NOT need intervention by law. Among us, everyone is aware about the Syrian crisis, and the magnitudes by which people are losing their lives. It’s a live example of a civil strife but does it go on forever? Of course not. There’s always a choice. Always a winner, and in this case, the democratic world we live in, made so, by our ancestors, vests all the powers in the civilians. CIVILIANS! Aren't we the direct impact of the decisions our government makes? If we, the people, find such laws unsatisfactory, whom are we supposed to go to? Dear friends, a revolt is a just a way to make the authorities realize that the common people matter. Take our own struggle for independence as an example. It was our own fight, a medium to convey to those sitting up there, a cry for help. My fellow opponents will argue, “If we shouldn't do anything, why was the UN formed, why were these NGOs established?” My answer to that would be, If the butterfly was helped to come out of its cocoon, would it be able to fly? Punishment, violence, and more punishment. It’s just a vicious circle, and let me tell you a secret. The only way out of that cave is when one of the parties sits down and listens, rare case, but true. So today, when President Obama wants to interfere in Syria, here’s my question to him, “Syrians killed Syrians, now you want to kill Syrians to make them realize not to kill
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