Should Capital Punishment Be Re Introduced Into Br

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Should capital punishment be re introduced into Britain? During this Controlled assessment I will be discussing why I think capital punishment should be re-introduced into Britain and hopefully persuading you to sway in the direction that capital punishment is needed to make our society feel safe. Let’s start with the definition and some history of capital punishment. Capital punishment is the lawful infliction of death as a punishment, also known as the Death Penalty; it has been used for a wide variety of offences. In 1500 England, only major crimes carried the death penalty: treason, murder, larceny, burglary, rape, and arson. From 1723 Parliament enacted many new capital offences and this led to an increase in the number of people being put to death each year. Britain abolished capital punishment in 1965. The big question is ‘should capital punishment be re-introduced in Britain?’ To answer this then we need to get our head around the fact that we are all potentially capable of murder and, therefore, we must each consider whether we and our loved ones are at risk of being murdered or being executed for committing murder. We must also consider what the likelihood is of innocent people being executed - it is obvious that it will happen sooner or later. Can the police, the courts, and the system generally be trusted to get things right on every occasion? Will juries be willing to convict in capital cases? Would you like to have to make the decision as to whether the person in should live or die? After getting are heads around the questions above then we can all see the light of what capital does for us as a community and the criminal themselves and why capital punishment should be re-introduced in Britain. Capital punishment permanently removes the worst criminals from society and should prove much safer for the rest of us than long term or permanent

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