Should Auguste Comte Be Considered the Only Founding Father of Sociology

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SHOULD AUGUSTE COMTE BE CONSIDERED AS THE ONLY FOUNDER OF SOCIOLOGY? When I started the class Introduction to Sociology, the text book “A Down-to-Earth Approach” gave me lot of information’s about the origination of Sociology along with some prominent people who made Sociology as a discipline to be studied today in colleges. My topic is related to Auguste Comte (1798-1857), a French philosopher who coined the term sociology and therefore is seen as the father of Sociology. He was the first person to distinguish Sociology from the other sciences; in his own words he said sociology “would not only be to discover social principles but also to apply them to social reform”. He believed that sociologist will make the world a better place; he applied his scientific method to social life by analyzing the nature of human society and thereby drawing conclusions from informal observations which is different from what most sociologists of today does (Henslin,2012, p.9-10). Comte’s “Positivism” which he first introduced in the 1800s talked about Sociology based on science principally biology, he expected this “new science to lead man to knowledge, in the first place, that human beings…are exercising mutual actions and reactions upon each other” (Ple, 2000, p. 439-440). In the book he thinks that the only way to true knowledge is through direct observation and measurement and so it has to be applied to Sociology since to him Sociology is based on science that is biology. He emphasized that Sociology can modify human lives “by following the way paved by positivism, human beings…into this world of his. Guided by the notions of Sociology, human beings will be able to acknowledge the order of their world through the action of humanity itself (Ple, 2000, p. 442). I chose Auguste Comte as my topic because even though he was the
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