Short Essay on Anthropology: Marriage and Divorce

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Linda Gilbert THEO202_B10_201340 Short Essay #2 Short Essay on Anthropology: Marriage and Divorce Marriage originated with the command from God that it was not right for man to be alone (Gen. 2:18). Despite its Holy intent, marriage has become less of a covenant and more a fashionable arrangement. Moreover, the careless manner in which marriage vows are so easily dismissed in today’s society should cause all Christians to evaluate the biblical stance on the matter, not just those who are in troubled marriages. The Bible teaches that marriage is centered on the union between one man and one woman (Gen. 2:24). This bond is best portrayed in the relationship of a covenant where marriage is seen as a mechanism for growing, healing and maturing through time, mirroring the relationship between God and his people.[1] As the two became one flesh, we should understand this was a godly ideal meant to remain intact forever (Gen 2:24). Marriage to family is outlawed (Lev. 20:19) and marriage to foreigners was seen as dangerous (1 Kings 11:1-2-10; 2 Cor. 6:14-15). And finally, both parties are to be submitted to one another (Eph. 5:22-33). In the Old Testament a groom did not possess his wife until the bride price was paid (Gen. 34:12). Prior to this the bride and groom were betrothed in a legally binding contract which lasted for a year in which they were to remain celibate (Matt. 1:18). There was an understanding that the marriage was to be consummated on the first night, in which the stained linen cloth would attest to the bride’s virginity.[2] Despite Biblical references to intercourse being intended for the married couple only, society has a different view of things. There is a “try it before you buy it” mentality and promiscuity reigns supreme in the dating scene. Without the long-term commitment of marriage, partners are free to come and go as they

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