shoplifter's draft

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“Shoplifters” In the poem “shoplifters” by Maura Stanton, the writer describes her experience as a store detective and bagger. As a store detective, her duty includes stressful and depressing job of watching out for shoplifters, catching them red-handed and handing them over to the manager’s nephew. Throughout the poem, she describes negative aspects of her job that is indicated towards the conclusion that she is incapable of her duty as a shop detective. When we look at the incidents of the people that she caught stealing, we may understand that these stealers are not unlike what we would expect them to be, but rather an old and lonely people who crave to get into some sort of relationship. As we read through the poem, we come across several different reasons that the shoplifters gave when they were caught by the author. These people weren’t stealing for fun or thrill, but rather because of a dire need to form a relationship with other human beings; they clearly seem to be isolated in their life. For example, author narrates an event of an old woman who was caught stealing tuna tins to save her ghostly son, then she talks about a nun who was caught stealing candles that she claimed to use it for lighting the route to the convent hill, two old sisters stole bean cans to supposedly produce a cure for rheumatism. The poet later also talks about an old man who was caught stuffing boloney in his pants. Hundreds of colorful paper cups that flew on the floor symbolizes his lonely lifestyle and how stealing adds on a purpose to his living. Author feels anxious and guilty for a lot of reasons. Her guilt could be felt from the beginning lines where she writes “I’d smoke behind the freezer….wondering about the shoplifters who wept…” (pg 38) One of the major reasons is the fact that she personally knows most of the shoplifters that are caught. She knows

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