Shooting At School: Personal Narrative

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Warning 58.000 population Santee was far from idyllic and pacific suburb Andy started shooting at the school 15 people – 2 dead – 13 wounded 5. William’s background was difficult, his father didn’t care about him and he rarely saw his mom. He began making trouble with some of his new friends, his friends didn’t care about him, they said he was a follower and sometimes they bullied him. William were bullied in school so he found some friend, but they were bad – they made him do stupid things, smoking weed and drinking alcohol. He was skinny. Andy was a young boy who wanted attention and revenge over the people on the school who bullied him. He shot 15 persons – killed 2 and wounded 13 young people. First he went to the boys’ bathroom and shot and then he went to the yard.…show more content…
I would say his father – he didn’t give him any attention when he came home from school and had being bullied, he doesn’t ask how it goes in school. Inside he was hurt, he was holding it all back and suddenly he exploded. He got this idea that he would shot at the school and then his friends said that he was a pussy and wouldn’t do it – and that was the final push – he couldn’t stand it anymore, it became too much. “Warning” is the headline because this story about Andy Williams is a warning to all those who bullies young student, because sometime it can become too

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