shoes for moos

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SHOES FOR MOOS INC. BY MICHAEL HOMKA MBA 632 STRATEGIC MARKETING MANAGEMENT FEBRUARY 3, 2009 Table of Contents Strategic Issues and Problems 3 Nature of the Industry 3 Organizational Evaluation 5 Possible Courses of Action 6 Recommended Action 7 Breakeven Analysis 9 Strategic Issues and Problems Jim Wells, a Canadian clothing store owner, has developed a special shoe for cows, especially for cows that required aid in the cure of foot problems. The shoes are very effective with dairy cattle, as the shoes enable the cows to continue grazing, feeding and producing milk. Jim plans to market these Shoes for MOOs and is trying to decide price, distribution channel, and promotion issues. Jim will have to identify how large is the market, which specific group he should pursue, why, how and when would farmers buy this special shoe and what market strategy options are there? Jim has recruited his brother-in-law and they have a limited amount of investment capital. Ultimately, Jim must make a “yes” or “no” decision. Nature of the Industry, Market The industry for footwear being offered to farmers whom had problems with their cow herds due to foot problems was relatively insignificant. The market currently had two products available for treatment of foot problems for cows. One was a half shoe, which seemed to focus more on structural problems for cows than medical problems. These shoes would often allow infections to worsen due to the height of the shoe. These shoes sold for $ 21.80 and were advertised through direct mail catalogues. The other competitor boots were primarily used on horses and were intended for clinical use only. These hydrotherapy boots were typical not available to farmers and cost $ 400.00. Overall, the two products were not typically used for hoof disease, which is common among cows during

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