Shoehorn Sonata Essay

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The need for honesty and truth is conveyed by the distinctly visual. Explore how this is achieved theatrically by Misto in Shoe-Horn Sonata. The complex concept of truth is explored visually in Misto's Shoe-Horn Sonata, Misto explores the need for both secrecy and honesty for individuals and relationships. Misto uses secrets and deception as a catalyst for drama and conflict. Truth and honesty, however, is used as a source of atonement and a tool in strengthening relationships. At the end of the first act of Shoe-Horn Sonata after the Shoe-Horn is relieved to Bridie, Misto shows how withholding secrets can create conflict and drama. 'You didn't sleep with a Jap. Not you.' This implies that Sheila choose to prostitute herself and the use of 'sleep with' insinuates that it was a pleasant experience. This paired with the stage direction 'shocked' visually shows Bridie's attitude towards Sheila actions regardless of how they ended up saving her life. This is another reference to Bridie's sexual innocence as her implications of it being a pleasant experience shows her lack of experience and knowledge of the act that took place. Sheila runs from Bridie in the hospital after they left the camp, thus creating the start of the conflict between the two. 'and I couldn't stay and keep on lying. As soon as I could walk... i left.' Sheila's attempts to avoid conflict, and by default avoid Bridie, in turn creates a worse situation when they reunite. This visually shows how lying, in this case through eluding the issue, can create conflict and drama that can only be resolved through the confrontation that was the cause of the commotion. The desperation of the imagery is parallel to the desperation Sheila and Bridie felt in their time in the camp, this makes the audience sympathetic towards the situation and realise the severity of Sheila's feelings about her actions.
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