Sheep Lung Dissection Report

320 Words2 Pages
Purpose The purpose of the sheep lung dissection was to review the structural characteristics and major features of the sheep’s lung. Materials • Preserved sheep lung • Dissecting pan • Scalpel • Probe • Scissors • Tweezers • Glovers Procedure 1. Put on gloves and observe safety procedures 2. Obtain the preserved sheep lung 3. Place the lung in a dissecting tray 4. Observe and Inspect the lung 5. Locate the right and left lung 6. Observe the trachea and primary bronchus 7. Examine the lungs, trachea, and bronchus 8. Make a midsagital cut down the trachea and separate the two lungs 9. Remove the heart 10. Remove the fat surrounding the lungs 11. Make a mid-coronal cut separating the anterior portion of the lung from

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