Shakespeare And Raleigh's Relationship Essay

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How does Sheriff make the relationship between Osborne and Raleigh such a memorable part of the play In the play, the first person Raleigh meets is Osborne. Osborne is polite to Raleigh, and throughout the play offers advice to Raleigh because he is young, and naive. Raleigh needs someone to give him directions, and avuncular Osborne helps him out. This is shown when Raleigh first enters the trench, Osborne says ‘Sit down, won’t you?’ and ‘I should take your pack off’. These simple orders portrays his enthusiasm for war, yet shows Raleigh being nervous like you would expect a young boy to be that has just arrived in the front line. ‘You’ll find the other officers call me “uncle”’ also demonstrates his fatherly figure in war and how Osborne…show more content…
Before they leave, Osborne says to Raleigh; ‘I’m glad it’s you and I – together, Raleigh’ and Raleigh replies ‘eagerly’ with ‘Are you – really?’. I think this sums up their friendship and shows the close bond they both shared. It is also upsetting for the audience to watch and creates a build up of tension as the audience hopes they both survive because of their lovely…show more content…
Even when Osborne is killed, the relationship between the two is still remembered as Raleigh misses his celebration meal and does not feel in the mood for eating. This is shown when Raleigh is arguing with Stanhope and says ‘Good God! Don’t you understand? How canI sit down and eat that – when – (his voice is nearly breaking) – when Osborne’s – lying – out there -.’ The stage directions give the audience the intense feeling Sheriff was trying to create of sorrow and anger. I believe Raleighs tone really shows how much Osborne meant to him in the few days he had known him. Therefore, throughout the whole play Sheriff creates a memorable relationship between Osborne and

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