Severe Weather Report

376 Words2 Pages
My Severe Weather Report By: Michael J. Park Table of Contents * Title…………………………………………p.1 * Table of Contents………………………p.2 * All About Thunderstorms……….p.3-4 * Extreme Photos of Thunderstorms. P.5 * Everything You Need to Know About Tornadoes………………………….. * Awesome Photos of Tornadoes……… * The Amazing Hurricanes………………. * Extraordinary Photos of Hurricanes. All About Thunderstorms A thunderstorm is a storm with rain thunder and lightning. They usually occur in early spring or late summer. If you are walking in a thunderstorm with metal well then good luck not getting struck by lightning. Thunderstorms are formed by the uplifting of warm and humid air. When humid air is lifted, it will be cooled and the moisture in the air will condense to form a cloud. As more humidity evaporates, the more water there is in the cloud. The cloud will get higher into the sky. The higher the cloud goes the colder it gets. So ice crystals may form there. While the sun heats the ice crystals they melt and gravity makes them go down quickly. The cold air helps the water come down too. Thunder and lightning occur naturally as part of a thunderstorm. Whenever you here thunder, there is danger of a lighting strike. There are positive (protons) and negative (electrons) charges in the clouds of a thunderstorm caused by ice, hail, and rain drops. During the storm these charges separate. The positive charges form at the top and negative charges form in the middle and at the bottom. Positive and negative charges are attracted to each other and as they travel through the air the electric current causes a spark, which is lightning. So lighting happens inside a cloud and between clouds. As the storm builds, the negative electrical charge at the bottom of a cloud creates a positive charge in the ground below. As the negative

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