Setting the Stage—Before 1850

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1. Summarize three contributions to democracy from the Greek-Roman era. Explain how these contributions to democracy set the stage for modern democracy. Be sure to include contributions from each of the two civilizations or traditions. Answer: The first contributions to democracy from the Greek-Roman era is constitutional rights. Constitutional rights help modern day democracy because in the U.S all citizens have an equal opportunity to serve the public, for example when citizens are eighteen or older they are granted the right to vote in political elections. The second contributions to democracy from the Greek-Roman era is medics, medics in modern society have been impacted by many of ancient Greece's contributions such as Hippocrates. Hippocrates, created the Hippocratic oath, the Hippocratic oath states that Hippocrates will treat his patient to the best of his abilities that he will refuse to give deadly medicine to his patients. Today some medical students and doctors still take the oath and learn about it. The third contributions to democracy from the Greek-Roman era is concrete, Romans invented concrete for arches and constructed roads and bridges that remain in use today. (20 points) Score 2. Explain how the move toward industrialization led to demands for political change in the early 1800's. Answer: The move toward industrialization led to demands for political change in the early 1800's because industrialization caused many people to move to the cities, so the cities became overcrowded and dirty. People got sick and children ran loose in the city, and some children were put to work in factories and often worked 7 days a week and 12 to 14 hours a day. People wanted the government to do something about the bad working conditions, which led to political
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