Separation of Mixtures of Solids

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Introduction: In lab 3, I will learn how to separate the mixtures of solids and get comfortable with the different techniques of separating the solids. Because the solids have a different chemical makeup, different techniques will be used to separate them. I will be using the four different solids: sodium chloride, benzoic acid, silicon dioxide, and iron and follow the directions in order to separate each solid according to their differences in chemical makeup. Material and Methods: The essentials to this lab will be distilled water, crushed ice for the ice bath, one 100 mL LabPaq glass beaker, burner fuel and stand, cylinder, funnel safety goggles, digital scale, magnet bar, and the mixtures of solids. In order to remove the iron filings I will use the iron bar since it the composition of iron will be picked up by the magnet. Then I will bring the water to a boil in order to only remove the sand. After, I will use the ice bath to remove the benzoic acid. After removing all other solids I will be left with only the sodium chloride in the water. Results: Please see attached the final results and questions to go with Lab #3. Discussion: I realized that as I was going through the different steps of taking out the solids, I seemed to be losing some material, whether it be from spilling some here and there or from factors that I could not help, like the sand getting stuck to the side of the glass. However, my percent of mixture total came close to 100% meaning that my solids may not have been as exact as when they first started in the bag, but they were close enough to gain data from. Report: Data Table 1: Experiment Table Grams Percent of Mixture Iron Filings 1.5 23.8% Sand 1.7 26.9% Table Salt 1.5 23.8% Benzoic Acid 1.6 25.4% Total 6.3 99.9% In order to get these results shown in the graph I used a formula which took a specific
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