Self Improvement Essay

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Self-Improvement Jim Rohn said, “Failure is not a single, cataclysmic event. You don’t fail overnight . Instead, failure is a few errors in judgment, repeated every day.” What Jim Rohn means by this is failure happens over a course of time, it doesn’t just happen all at once. This relates to self-improvement because people don’t just change or improve in an instant, it takes time and effort to improve anything. Audio English Net says that Self-improvement is the act of improving yourself. To me self-improvement is fixing mistakes in you life to succeed or to get ahead. Self-improvement doesn’t just happen you have to be motivated and push yourself to improve. The desire for self-improvement is innate. Sir Isaac Newton improved himself as a teenager. He had a ruff start as a child, his father died three months before his birth then his mother later remarried which Isaac and his step father didn’t get along very well. There was always friction between the too. He attended Kings School were he was one of the top students until his mother pulled him out of school to be a farmer. Isaac always new he could do better so later in the years he returned to school completed his final exams with very good results, he was able to go to Trinity College, Cambridge . Sir Isaac Newton went from being a farmer to becoming an English mathematician and scientist all through self-improvement. I read a short story called “Buffalo Creek Crossing”. It connects to self-improvement because its talks about pushing yourself to do better and work harder. Its about a guy who’s in a cross country race who in the beginning of the race didn’t belief that he could finish or make it half way through, even though he practiced and practiced for this event for months. But through his self-improvement over the months of him training he gained a lot and was one of the first men to finish. Like

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