Secularism in the Current Day Scenario

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ABSTRACT It is in this world, spectacle of the spiritual heritage of mankind and the varying models of religion-state relations, that we have to examine and appreciate the religion-state relations in India. Religion-cultural pluralism is India's past, present and future; indeed her heart and soul. No religion is foreign to India; nor is India a foreign land for any religion. Throughout its history, India has observed the principle of equality of all religions and of their followers. Today the situation is the other way round. In the secular India of our times, it is the land that determines the role of religion in the society, and it is the judiciary that determines what the laws on this aspect of life say mean and require. The law in the secular India of our times respects religious beliefs and practices, ensures religious liberty but keeps it within internationally recognized limits; prohibits abuse and misuse of religion; religious sensitivities and provides laws; statutory mechanisms for controlling , managing specific religious and the religion related affairs. Through this paper, I present the important reasons which have brought about the change namely religio-legal pluralism, class and caste secularism and causes of the evolution, growth and condition of the current secularism. INTRODUCTION The traditional definition of secularism is “the neutrality of government and all public services in matters relating to one or more religions”. However, according to the Princeton Wordnet, it is defined as “a doctrine that rejects religion and religious considerations”. Hence in simple words “Secularism is the principle of separation of government institutions, and the persons mandated to represent the State, from religious institutions and religious dignitaries.” Secularism as a modern political and constitutional principle involves two basic
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