Second Hand Shop Case Study

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Finally, the research findings can also be used by managers of second-hand clothing to better understand their customers. First the findings regarding motivations allows the managers to understand what drives consumers to the stores which then gives them the ability to better tailor messages to the consumers. Second, knowing what moderates their motivations, and what the consumers are looking for enables managers to better adapt their offerings to satisfy the shoppers. Here we give some specific examples of what a second-hand shop manager could consider based upon what participants of our study discussed. Consumers say that store characteristics are important and therefore managers of thrift-stores need to utilize commonly known retail techniques…show more content…
As such educating consumers can direct more customers towards those businesses provided that retailers still have products the consumers want to begin with (Dickson, 2008). In this line of thinking, this is something that managers of second-hand stores should consider as a second-hand shop is a socially responsible business. While it is impossible due to the very nature of second-hand shops to have complete control of the offering, educating consumers about the benefits to second-hand shopping may appeal to those consumers who have personal values or ideologies related to not wasting resources, sustainability, the environment or helping others. The benefits that can be mentioned are things like how much resources are consumed when producing new clothing and then in comparison how much resources it takes for a consumer to buy a piece of already used clothing. An approach like this can appeal to those who are ethics and ecology motivated and perhaps even to those who want to distance themselves from the
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