Scottish Power – Good Ethics Is Good Business

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Scottish Power – Good Ethics Is Good Business The world has really changed, particularly the way business is conducted globally, with new economic and new technologies shaping the globalization environment. One of the main reasons for global success is found is due to cultural diversity. Companies are constantly faced with dilemmas, as in international cultures versus corporate cultures, the bottom line being social and environmental impacts. It is imperative that companies must first address the facts that constrain business values in order to be successful. The Director of IBE, Philippa Foster Black, stated: "Not only is ethical behavior in business life the right thing to do in principle, we have shown that it pays off in financial returns.” (Foster-Black, P. 2006) Companies are continually presented with challenges and opportunities formed by concerns about their environmental and social impact. Management needs to understand the factors that constrain a company’s business value when dealing with these concerns. Scottish Power has had to review their business pitfalls since taking the position of the first foreign utility company to merge with an American electricity market, PacificCorp. This move has expanded into consulting services in areas such as, design and construction of power plant buildings, the development of control monitoring devices, installation and maintenance, analysis of water samples and environmental components, to name a few. They are also associated with a world leader in renewable energy, The Iberdola Group, opening opportunities for green solutions and the new mandatory global carbon emissions reduction scheme. This fast-paced environment shows Scottish Power that this single factor will keep their company in a forward thinking mode, causing their employees to release their passions in globalization.

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