Scots On The Western Front Essay

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Scots on the Western Front Content The impact of the Scots on the fighting of the First World War is sometimes hard to assess because Scottish soldiers fought as part of the British army. Also, as the war went on, even regiments that had strong Scottish ties increasingly had to recruit from anywhere in the British Isles to replace casualties. However, it is possible to see the importance of Scots at certain points in the war. They had a real impact at the beginning as regular Scots battalions were part of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) who fought with particular bravery at Mons/Le Cateau. Scots were important as attack troops and they played a significant role in the battles of Loos, the Somme, Arras and Cambrai. This was reflected in the casualty figures; in relative terms Scotland lost more of its troops from actual fighting than any other country. Scots were…show more content…
But in the battles detailed below, we know that large numbers of Scots were involved. Sadly, as the war progressed and casualty rates rose, battalions had to recruit from across the UK, making even regiments like the Black Watch much more mixed. The Battle of Loos • [pic] • Part of a series of battles by the allies to attack the large German salient which ran from Flanders to Verdun. The French would attack in the south, the British in the north. • British battles of Neuve Chapelle, Aubers Ridge, Festubert and Loos. • Loos involved the first of Kitchener’s New Army divisions. • Scottish losses were so dreadful that no part of Scotland was unaffected. The Black Watch (raised in Tayside) had massive casualties; the 9th lost 680 officers and men in the first hours of the fighting. Of 950 men of the 6th Cameronians who went into battle, 700 were

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