Science and Technology: a Future Full of Hopes

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29. I’d like to begin by saying, that technology has become an important part of our lives today. With its advent people have been able to evolve economically and socially and it has proved to be beneficial to the human. Yet, because the technology is being misused by certain people, technology has also a negative impact on modern life. The internet is the widely used technology as it has allowed the world to become a global village. People can communicate with each other over long distances. Also, this technology has provided a variety of facilities for e.g. online books and dictionaries, free films and music, online-learning and telecommuting can be also done. Yet again, people do misuse this technology. For instance, private and confidential information can be divulged on forums. Moreover, teenagers may become victims of cyber-bullying. The television is another basic technology which has negative impacts on the modern life. The young generation is influenced by the serials and other programmes which have totally changed their mindset, opinions and morals. But in spite of all the negative reasons, we can’t deny the fact, that technology indeed has made life easier. Home appliances take care of some of the daily tasks such as washing dishes, doing laundry, and making coffee automatically. People really live more comfortably but all these contribute to make us live a sedentary life. People no longer practice physical activities. It is predicted that children born in the year 2000 and beyond might have a short lifespan of 20 -30 years. Apart from this, technology can isolate people. For example, though facebook, twitter facilitates us to communicate with our friends all over the world, many people are too absorbed in them and they gradually forget how to interact with people face to face. Moreover, technology fastens the pace of our lives, and we have
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