School Bus Safety

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School Bus Safety “…a battered and mud-filled school bus lying on its side after it was pulled from the chilly waters; multiple rows of wooden coffins lined up in a temporary morgue at the local armory. Each wooden box held a child” (Kirby). A tragedy that will never be forgotten by the people of Prestonburg that took place on February 28, 1958. The worst school bus accident in U.S. history took place on that day (Kirby). Now fifty years later, what has changed to make the school busses safer? Public education did not exist until the mid 1600’s and transportation for the students was not available until the 1800’s (National Association). During those time there was no such thing as school bus tragedies, children killed in a school bus, or children run over by a school bus. With great new finding came great grief. Thirty states had pupil transportation set in place by 1910. That transportation was nothing but a horse and a wagon. Then there was the school “wagon” followed by the school “truck” (National Association). Finally by the 1920’s and 1930’s the automobile production grew tremendously that the need to transport children had developed a school bus industry. From then on the tragedies boomed causing forty-eight stated to get together in 1939 and realize that they needed to set some guidelines. During that meeting the group decided on certain set of requirements that a standard school bus must meet (National Association). Since then there has been about twelve National Conferences on School Transportation that had representatives from each state to gather together to discuss any changes that need to be made. The school busses not only have to meet the requirements set by the school transportation community but also the requirements that are set by Federal standards (National Association). In 1966 the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act was passed.

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