Schindler's List

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Schindler’s List Set in Poland, 1939, the time of World War II and the Holocaust, Schindler’s List tells the tale of how an ambitious businessman named Oskar Schindler, saved over a thousand Jews. Although Schindler appears like a selfish, ambitious businessman, because he is German and seems to only care for money, Schindler actually is one of the protagonists of the movie, for, he changes and helps the Jews in the end. At the beginning of the movie, the only thing Schindler cared for was himself, and his wealth. Making profit was all he thought of when hiring the Jews who were “qualified” to work at his factory. Then when a lady named Regina Perlman begs him to help her parents, saying that Schindler’s factory was a “safe haven, [that he was] good, and there aren’t any killings here”. She pleads to him, hoping that he would take in her parents, who were old, and unqualified to work in his enamelware factory. She explains to him that the S.S men were getting rid of the old and unfit workers. At first, Schindler refuses to help her parents, but eventually gave in, hiring Regina Perlman’s parents to work in his factory. With that, shows Schindler’s slight change of heart, from only thinking about business to someone who tries to help the Jews, slowly. From saving two Jewish parents, Schindler begins to aid Jews who were suffocating and dying in the small, compacted railroad carts. He pulls it off as a joke with the S.S officers, saying, “Why don’t you hose down the train?” Hiding his true intentions of wanting to assist Jews, by giving them the water that they so desperately needed, and making sure that “every time the train stops, [they got] water”. He didn’t even give up when the rope was too short to reach the front of the railroad. He extended the hose, making sure that all the carts were sprayed with water, so that the Jews weren’t dehydrated, saving more

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