Scf5101 Relational Contexts Of Practice

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SOCF5101 Relational Contexts of Practice ESSAY 1 The YDAC program is a court diversionary program for 6-12 months offered to young offenders. The program provides an opportunity for offenders to participate in an intensive program of rehabilitation. To ensure the offender achieves a successful outcome to avoid imprisonment, the client must go through a number of various stages. Firstly it is compulsory that the offender must participate in the detoxification and rehabilitation process, secondly, to engage in educational and vocational courses, and lastly to appear regularly before the Youth Drug and Alcohol Court prior to their sentence. The YDAC program seeks to address not only the legal factors, but the holistic and systemic health and…show more content…
Furthermore Flaskas goes on to explain that in client centered practices, empathy was conceived as an approach to the clients experiences ’. I was able to imaging my self in Mike’s shoes, being locked up all day, every day for the past 3 months, being told what to do and when to do it, being away from his family, and feeling no real sense of belonging in his present environment, feeling the guilt and shame of his offence with no real outlet and how this may have impacted on one incident has lead to another and turned into a problematic situation. I also asked open ended questions to Mike about what had lead one behavior to another, what he was feeling and thinking at the time to understand the situation from Mike’s view instead of the ideas imposed on me by the youth officers. Mike was able to breakdown the situation into steps and identified his own ‘offence pathway’, including his trigger, thoughts/feelings, planning, actions, justification and consequences. Mike was then able to articulate that he could lessen the damage that may occur by apoligising to staff. He was then able to understand that had he been able to identify his own triggers initially he may have handled the situation different and therefore resulting in different…show more content…
I believe that this incident was a way to build trust on my second visit when I did not lecture Mike as he had expected. * “Rapport - the client needs to be able to talk openly and honestly, and the therapist needs to be able to listen without judgment”. I allowed Mike to tell his version, and challenged some of his * “Collaboration - the therapist and the client must work as a team to develop mutual understanding, and to set and follow through on goals.” I asked Mike to apoligise to staff as a goal and explained the reasoning and positive consequence that could occur for him including the court team’s view that he made attempt to make his wrong doing right. (Hartney E, 2009) As Trotter C (2004), explained that Engaging involuntary clients involves a pro social approach, where the therapists focuses more on the client and more on the solutions to the problem and this approach involves four steps; 1. Acknowledging pro social behaviors such as when Mike made a positive choice to apoligise to the youth
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