Scarlet Letter Conflict Quotes

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Steven Jimenez English Ms. Torres 31, October, 2014 The Scarlett Letter Many people throughout their lives have been in the position of being looked down on by a group of people or society because of something they have done wrong, but overcomes their wrong doings at the end. In the novel “The Scarlett Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the protagonist Hester Prynne has this perpetual fight with proving to the puritan society that she is more than the letter “A” that is attached to her bosom. Nathaniel Hawthorne shows in his novel that people sometimes should receive a second chance. Being in a conflict with a group of people can be extremely stressful and overwhelming but people need to be their own support system and backbone to overcome such a difficult problem in order to move on with their lives. People often when being in a conflict with their society, usually back down because it is on person against a large amount of people but sometimes that is not the case. In the novel The Scarlett Letter, The Puritans decided that it would be a good idea to have Hester stand on the scaffold so that everyone in the town can witness her being punished. Hester was of course extremely embarrassed, but she knew she had to be strong and not to be let seen weak by the hypocrites who are the Puritans. In the novel Hawthorne quotes “the…show more content…
In the novel The Scarlett Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, author shows a young woman being punished for her sin of infidelity. While the whole towns continues to insult her and tease her, Hester does nothing but be haughty and strong for herself. It was the only way she can truly overcome her current situation. She was not going to let a town of walking hypocrites choose her faith. People deserve a second chance and need to be forgiven because no one has a survival guide to be a
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