Sample Essay

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Sample essays Question 1 Read the passage which begins with ‘Laughter always rang out…’ and ends with ‘…and into the toilet’ (pp. 140–41). a How does Adichie show the differences between Kambili’s upbringing and Amaka’s in this passage? b How are the differences between Ifeoma’s home and attitudes and her brother’s shown in the novel as a whole? Grade-A* answer a The opening statement in this passage summarises the difference between Kambili’s home and Amaka’s. In Ifeoma’s house, ‘laughter always rang out’. In contrast, Kambili finds it impossible even to speak to Amaka’s friends, and she is certainly not used to laughter. (AO1) Adichie stresses the difference here (AO2) by having Kambili mention the arguments, the prayers which are ‘always peppered with songs’ and the Igbo singing which ‘usually called for hand clapping’. These details convey a lively, happy, noisy family home and Kambili’s surprised observations remind the reader (AO2) that this is a very different culture from that of her own home. There is, however, none of the abundance of food that Kambili is used to. Each person gets only a small piece of meat. This is part of the novel’s social context. Ifeoma is a poorly paid (and sometimes not paid on time) university teacher, and she is denied promotion because her views are unacceptable to the military dictatorship governing Nigeria. (AO4) Kambili is used to servants, too. In Ifeoma’s home, the children cheerfully do the cleaning as a team so that the ‘flat always sparkled’. Ifeoma includes Kambili and Jaja in the washing-up schedule, although Kambili makes an imperfect job of it — to Amaka’s scornful glee — because she is not used to doing it. (AO4) PHILIP ALLAN LITERATURE GUIDE FOR GCSE © Philip Allan Updates 1 PURPLE HIBISCUS Sample essays When Amaka’s school friends come to Ifeoma’s flat, Amaka tries to include Kambili, perhaps
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