Safeguarding Essay

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Joanne Ashcroft CYP 3.3 understand how to safeguard the wellbeing of children and young people 1. Outline of current legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures within own UK Home Nation affecting the safeguarding of young children and young people. Have completed and signed off 2. Explanation of child protection within the wider concept of safeguarding children and young people. The phrase safeguarding is progressively more being use instead of child protection. It refers to the activity that is undertaken to protect specific children who are suffering, or are likely to suffer, significant harm. The Staying Safe Action Plan covers three main areas: • Universal safeguarding, involving work to keep all children and young people safe and to create safe environments for them • Targeted safeguarding to reduce the risks of harm for vulnerable groups of children and young people; • Responsive safeguarding, involving responding effectively when children are harmed. The Action plan is about more than just preventing accidents or stopping bullying. It covers the full span of the Every Child Matters ‘stay safe’ outcome. Keeping children safe from neglect and abuse, accidents, bullying, crime and anti-social behaviour and providing a safe and stable home environment. Other important aspects of the plan are forced marriages and missing children. 3. Analysis of how national and local guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding affect day to day with children and young people You must ensure that you are aware of the local and national guideline for safeguarding within your work with children on a day to day basis, many issues occur within a school in spite of this you should always be aware of any safeguarding issues and act accordingly within the correct guidelines. The day to day work entails • Childcare practice • Child
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