SQA: The Five Stages Of Lifespan Development

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The SQA has divided lifespan development into five main stages. Each of these stages will be discussed in detail and will refer to relevant developmental strands. The first stage of the lifespan is Infancy. The SQA describes this stage as being 0-2 years old. The most obvious developmental strand that occurs in infancy is physical development. Growth is the main job of an infant and they are constantly increasing in size and weight very rapidly. Babies learn to control their muscles and movements and therefore start to define their gross and fine motor skills. Learning gross motor skills enables an infant to develop the appropriate strength and balance to begin learning the basics of standing up, walking and running. Fine motor skills develop early on in infancy to allow babies to grasp things and build up strength in their hands.…show more content…
As the name suggests, in this phase, infants showcase or increase their intelligence by exploring the surrounding through body movements or motor activities. You would have seen babies putting everything in their mouth, where they try to explore objects through their tongue. They also tend to touch, kick, or suck everything that comes their way. They have a very little knowledge of the world that they try to boost with physical interactions and experiences. Another strand of development that occurs in infancy is emotional development. Babies learn to cry to communicate pain, fear, discomfort and loneliness (Saskatchewan). They love to be touched and held and form a close emotional bond with their carer. They begin to respond differently to family members and strangers. Emotional development is vital in helping an infant learn to trust and will lead to more emotional stability when they are older. A baby needs to be brought up feeling safe and secure otherwise as adults, they may develop low
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