Russian Formalism Essay

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Russian Formalism 1. What is the object of study: In Russian Formalism the object of study is literariness. The formalists focused almost exclusive on the form of literature and mainly on poetry. The Russian Formalists saw literature as an autonomous science that is different from any ordinary language. 2. What hypotheses does it propose? The hypotheses of Russian Formalism proposed that literature deviates from ordinary language by formal devices. Devices like rhythm, sound pattern, metaphors etc. made the language in literature strange and different to ordinary language and where used to give literature a new meaning. 3. What theoretical terms are used? Literariness: It was the object of study for the Russian Formalists. It means that literary texts are different from ordinary texts. Deviation: Ordinary Language deviates (is different) to literary language. Formal devices: Techniques and devices that are used in literary texts and are responsible for the deviation to ordinary language, e.g. rhythm, sound pattern, metaphors etc, are called formal devices. Defamiliarisation: This is a common theoretical term in the theory of the Russian Formalists. It means deviation from ordinary language where Language is made strange by literary devices such as metaphors. Automatisation: Automatisation happens, when the defamiliarisation of language is no longer strange. When we get used to a metaphor for example, it is no longer strange in ordinary language. External and internal deviation: External deviation in Russian Formalism is the poetic language that deviates from ordinary language through formal aspects and metaphors. Internal deviation is the change/deviation in a literary text itself. It is unexpected to the reader. For example in poetry, a stanza that is different in sound and structure than the other stanzas Foregrounded: In ordinary
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